Saturday, July 9, 2011

Good morning

Thought I'd do something healthy for my body this Saturday morning so I made Crunchy Oatmeal with Blueberries and Bananas.  Just whipped up some oats, mixed frozen organic blueberries in at the end of cooking then added sliced banana and this new cereal I found at Kroger the other day - Uncle Sam cereal.  It's made with whole wheat oats and flaxseed so there's lots of protein and fiber.  I didn't even sweeten it which is a big deal for me.

Yesterday, after doing some work from home, I thought I would go to the HP library and then lay out at the pool.  I got to the beautiful library...

...found my books and tried to open up a card when I was checking them out.  Well, it seems like they've amped up "security" in HP public places because, long story short, I wasn't allowed to open a card with the electric bill I brought that is in the name of the girl we're subleasing from.  OK, I get that.  Made a note to next time bring a copy of our sublease with the real renter of our place.  Then I got an invite to go to another pool so I got over the library fiasco pretty quickly.

When M and I were working at the kitchen table yesterday we noticed that our arms are looking pretty identical these days (besides the tan)

Same ring, hairband, rubber bracelets (hers were a gift from moi!  Paper Source sells these Made With Love bracelets singly for 95 cents each).  It's like when couples have been dating a while and start to look alike.

Last night did not go as planned - no Ghost Bar even though we heard from an insider that Rihanna and Cee Lo Green would be there.  If only we could have pooled $800 to reserve a booth and get bottle service.  It was a night of firsts for me - first saki bomb and 5-Hour Energy!  Hence, the oatmeal.

- CAR -

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